Our Story
She was gifted with eldritch Madness Music; he was a preternaturally inept Starfleet medical officer. A tale as old as time...

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We met at DunDraCon in 2018 as players in a delightfully weird game mashing up Star Trek and Call of Cthulhu. By the end of that game, we'd summoned an eldritch horror together--from there, it was a natural progression to Paranoia, then spending all night talking until we were both more than half asleep on our feet. It took a month and a half for us to start officially dating, but we managed to keep seeing each other despite living on opposite sides of the country. When we weren't together in person, we were texting or on the phone.
In October of that same year, Kyle moved to Canada, even farther away than New York. We stayed together despite the long distance. Dobby, our then-newly-adopted kitten, became accustomed to and then inseparable from Kyle's blue travel duffel. Cassi traveled too--her first international flight!
In early 2020, we decided to visit New York, and maybe to consider moving there together some day. Then COVID happened, and we wound up living together much sooner--the Canadian border shut down! We spent the better part of a year living with Kyle's very gracious mother, until Kyle had returned to and resigned from his job in Québec, and we finally moved into an apartment of our own.
The last few years have been incredible. We've both grown individually and together, and we've made a home full of love and cat fur. We can't wait to take the next step in our journey to spending the rest of our lives with each other! 💖